Newborn Photoshoot – Tips

Newborn Photoshoot – Tips

Taking your newborn baby to a photoshoot is an amazing way of capturing a special moment in their lives. However, it can be a daunting experience – especially for new parents. Our professional photographers have put together some tips to help make you photoshoot as smooth as possible.

When is a good time to book the photoshoot?
Ideally, it’s good to book your newborn photoshoot as soon as you have a due date. Photographers get booked up fast!

What’s the best age for your baby’s newborn photoshoot?
The best age for newborn photoshoot is between 2 days old and 2 weeks old.

How to prepare for your newborn’s photoshoot?
Make sure your baby is well fed and has had a nappy changed just before the photoshoot

What to bring?
A dummy, a baby blanket, spare nappies and any props you want to include

What themes?
Is there an animal you like or a film you like? this is a great opportunity to integrate it in your theme. Animals are great for newborn photoshoots. We have turtles, rabbits, teddybears and winnie the pooh.

Things to keep in mind

Your baby will be undressed and wrapped during the shoot. Babies don’t like being undressed, so there may be tears. To keep your baby warm when he/she has less on, the studio will be warm, so it’s best you are wearing clothes that will make you comfortable in a warm studio.

If you would like to be in the pictures, we recommend not to wear black to not blend into the background. If you’re wanting make up for these pictures, please arrive with makeup already on.

Newborn shoots can be up to 3 hours long due taking lots of breaks to feed and change nappies. A majority of the time is taken up with settling baby. A dummy is sure to work miracles with settling baby in a pose. 90% of the time, newborns crying are hungry, so if crying persists, we will suggest a feed.

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